授权书 (LOA)

A 授权书 (or LOA) provides you, 客户, a mechanism to authorize us to disclose data with specified third parties. It may also authorize a third party to act on your behalf.  Authorizations usually involve billing calculations, EPA基准测试, correspondence in connection with accounts, investigation of utility bills, 费率分析及变动, 等. 


Submit a 授权书:

Create a 新 LOA as a Customer       Create a 新 LOA or Register as a Third Party 

Register for Consent to Share as a Customer  


Or, if you already have a signed LOA you can upload it here: 



278.82 KB
Download CISR Form (commonly known as the Standard CISR]
Download CISR Form (commonly known as the Standard CISR]
295.92 KB
6.88 KB
Download Service Account Number Template
Download Service Account Number Template

常见问题 (FAQs)

西班牙&E is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers. Except in limited circumstances in accordance with our 隐私政策, 除非客户授权我们这样做,否则我们不会与第三方共享客户帐户或能源使用数据. loa提供可持续发展目标&E  the type of information you wish to share with a third party and for how long. 

For the convenience of our customers, we do allow third parties to initiate LOAs. 客户仍然必须通过签署LOA和选择披露的可选条款来审查并同意共享,这些条款表明他们希望与第三方共享哪些数据以及共享多长时间.

注册“共享同意”为您提供了自助服务选项,例如检查您的LOA状态, 复制现有表格, making corrections when a form is incorrect, 修改现有的LOA, 取消贷款贷款, and revoking access to data when you no longer want to share. 没有登记, inaccurate forms may be invalidated, and a 新 form will be required (meaning you will need to start the process over again).

Register for Consent to Share as a Customer  

 Create a 新 LOA or Register as a Third Party 

是的, you can check the status of your LOA with the LOA ID.


Any LOA can be 撤销d by a customer (or, in some cases, by a third party) upon request. You may also use the Consent to Share program to 撤销 access. 请记住,撤销披露您的数据的授权可能会导致您被取消参加任何需要授权的计划.


There are 2 types of utility LOA forms approved by CPUC.

  • 信息系统: “一般用途” 授权书 used to share information for a variety of reasons, such as participating in an 西班牙&E energy or demand response program, working with a solar company or energy service provider, EPA基准测试, property management companies, 等.
  • CISR-DRP: 授权委托书,专门用于共享信息以参与第三方需求响应计划. 此表格必须用于参加第三方需求响应计划,不得用于任何其他目的.

一般来说,没有. 在大多数情况下,  you may 提交 a letter of authorization on company letterhead, or in the form of a contract, such as a property management agreement, if it is signed by the Customer and provides clear direction and authorization to 西班牙&E to disclose customer data to the third party.  Consent to Share makes it easy to upload your LOA for processing.. The exception is participation in third party demand response programs, which must use the CISR-DRP form.

是的, 您可以在CISR表格本身中包含最多2个帐号,在CISR- drp表格中包含最多9个帐号. If you want to add more account numbers per LOA, you may use the Service Account Number excel.



Use our Consent to Share program to upload the PDF copy of the 授权书.


If you have any questions, please contact:

西班牙&E Consent to Share 条款 and 条件

Online Account Management Usage Agreement

您只有在同意通过正确注册符合本《手机买球软件》的用户ID和密码参与《手机买球软件》的情况下,才能使用本《手机买球软件》管理系统(“《手机买球软件》”). Use of Consent to Share is furnished subject to the 条款 and 条件 of the 西班牙&E网站及, 如果适用的话, the Mobile 条款 and 条件, which are incorporated herein by this reference, as well as these Consent to Share 条款 and 条件, all of which shall apply in all respects related hereto.


Online LOA Management Service

Consent to Share allows you to access online LOA management services specific to your 西班牙&E account(s) and/or the accounts of those Customers you are authorized to access. Available services under the Consent to Share umbrella include the ability to create, 提交, 撤销, 取消贷款合同, as well as manage other LOA information (some of these services are also available, 全部地或部分地, without the use of Consent to Share). 西班牙&E plans to add additional online services to Consent to Share, as appropriate, in the future.

西班牙&E保留随时修改或终止“共享同意”的任何或所有服务或功能的权利,恕不另行通知, or to offer specific programs only to Customers meeting applicable qualifications.



Specifically, by participating in Consent to Share you have agreed that:

只要您参与了“共享同意”,您就必须遵守这些“共享同意”条款和条件, 包括 all its online services. By selecting the "I Agree" button when registering for Consent to Share, 您确认您接受这些“共享同意”条款和条件(或其任何未来修改)-作为您被授予访问“共享同意”的先决条件. When you meet the above requirements, or the requirements stated after this for any following online utility service, you will receive an e-mail message from 西班牙&E confirming your registration in Consent to Share.



The unique User ID and password (collectively, 您选择的“密码”)访问“分享同意”必须由您在保密的基础上持有,不得将其提供给其他人. 任何知道您的密码的人都可以访问“同意分享”和帐户内所有可用的服务. If you have forgotten or lost your Password, online reminder capabilities are available to assist you in remembering it. 作为使用的条件, 如果您认为您的密码丢失或被盗,您必须立即使用密码更改功能. If you encounter any problems using the Password Change feature, you can contact 西班牙&E immediately by email or by calling 1-800-411-西班牙E (7343). You are responsible for maintaining the Password against improper disclosure. 本协议的条款和条件之一是您对任何索赔承担全部责任, 损失, 损害赔偿, expenses and costs incurred by the use of your Password by others. 西班牙&E reserves the right to reset any Passwords.



通过使用“同意分享”, 您将自动收到以客户或第三方身份参与的任何LOA交易的电子邮件通知. These notifications will be sent to your current email address on file in Consent to Share. Since these are transaction notices pursuant to this agreement between you and 西班牙&E, 除非您注销或取消“同意分享”帐户,否则您不得“选择退出”与“同意分享”相关的通信. 您可随时登录“共享同意”,查看您的LOA及其中包含的其他信息.



作为同意共享用户, 您有责任确保您的用户配置文件中的联系方式和其他所需信息是最新的和准确的, and updated promptly if necessary, 包括你的名字, address, phone number and email address. 对某些个人资料信息的更改可以在“共享同意”服务中进行,也可以通过联系西班牙进行&E's Customer Information Management by email.

 西班牙&如果您滥用“分享同意”或违反本条款和条件,E还保留终止您参与“分享同意”的权利. 另外, 您应负责支付您的电话及/或互联网服务提供商可能收取的任何互联网服务费用.



Any information obtained by 西班牙&E in connection with your use of Consent to Share services, will only be disclosed by 西班牙&E根据可持续发展目标&E's 隐私政策 and 隐私 Notice.


Discontinue Consent to Share (online account access)

要退出“分享同意”,您必须使用“分享同意”网站上的相应链接注销“分享同意”帐户. Once your account has been unregistered, you will no longer be able to manage your LOAs online. Please note you will continue to receive email notifications regarding active, 新, 或您已作为客户或第三方参与的待决授权书.



“分享同意”网站上的页面和选项卡可以通过非可持续发展目标托管的第三方网站访问&E. If Consent to Share is accessed through such third party website, (i) the third party will have access to the information you provide, (ii)适用第三方关于使用其网站的条款和条件,以及(iii)第三方的网站隐私政策, 不是西班牙&E’s 隐私政策 or 隐私 Notice, will apply to their handling of your information 提交ted on their website.西班牙&E保留自行决定阻止任何用户因“分享同意”而进入本网站的权利.

  • Consent to Share must be used at all times in accordance with applicable laws, 规则, 对“分享同意”或其中包含的内容具有管辖权的联邦和州政府当局的法规和决定, as in effect from time to time, 包括, 但不限于, the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California.
  • Use of Consent to Share, and any 西班牙&E service accessed through Consent to Share, is at your sole risk. 尽管西班牙&E has endeavored to create a secure and reliable service, 不能保证在互联网上传输或访问的任何通信的保密性或安全性. 因此,西班牙&E及其母公司和附属公司对使用互联网传输或访问的任何信息的安全概不负责. 实际或试图未经授权使用本“共享同意”服务可能导致刑事和/或民事起诉.
  • 本《手机买球网》中使用但未定义的大写术语应与《手机买球网》中给出的定义相同&E’s Web site, and 如果适用的话, the Mobile 条款 and 条件.
  • 西班牙&E reserves the right to change these Consent to Share 条款 and 条件 at any time, effective immediately upon updating this web site.

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Consent to Share uses cookies to improve your experience. Refer to your browser’s help pages for instructions on how to enable cookies. For more information on how we use cookies see our 隐私政策: bischome.com/privacy